
Mag. Dr. Axel Michael Dallinger Rechtsanwalt

Almgasse 14, 4600 Wels, Austria

KSV1870 Number 1162161
Year established 2001
Telephone 7242 206328

Select the credit report of your choice

Company Profile Standard

The classic information package

Specimen report

€ 93,00

incl. 20% VAT
  • company identifier
  • KSV1870 rating and assessment
  • Payment behaviour
  • Financial position
  • Debt recovery data  *
  • Individual maximum credit
  • Sector
  • Key indicators
  • Company register  *
  • Balance sheets  *
* if available

Company Profile Compact

The risk-based information package

Specimen report

€ 54,00

incl. 20% VAT
  • company identifier
  • KSV1870 rating and assessment
  • Payment behaviour
  • Financial position
  • Debt recovery data  *
  • Individual maximum credit
  • Sector
* if available